Bounded Lᴛʟ sAtisfiability ChecKer
BLACK (short for Bounded Lᴛʟ sAtisfiability ChecKer) is a tool for testing the satisfiability of LTL and LTLf formulas based on the SAT encoding of a one-pass and tree-shaped tableau method. More details can be found in the GitHub repository.
I’ve contributed to this project adding the support to the past operators in two ways:
- With a translation procedure which remove the past translating an LTL+Past formula into an equisatisfiable LTL one
- Extending the direct encoding in order to make it cope directly with the past
Other minor contributions are:
- New benchmark families of formulas
- Enhancements in some benchmark suite scripts
- Extension of the test suite (to test the past operators)
- Bugs fix