I do like cookies, but...

...with (great) cookies, comes great responsibility.

If you don’t care about data protection, don’t continue reading, you don’t want to hear this. If instead you care, well, probably you still don’t want to hear this.

In Jekyll, and in particular in al-folio, it’s really easy to enable Google Analytics. I understand is very tempting, I also do like numbers and statistics, however you have to take into account GDPR.

Many researchers use these tools to quickly create a personal website (myself included, as you can see, Sherlock), but not everyone is aware of the responsibility they have when enabling analytics. I’m not offering solutions here, just google it and you will find something. I also don’t like those awful banners that flashes you when you enter almost every website now.

For these reasons, I have decided to stay cookie-free. So, please, enjoy navigating my website, your data are not in danger here (well, at least not because of me, watch out those open Wi-Fi networks 👀).